Queensland Rifle Association Kings 2024

What can we say about the Queensland Rifle Association (QRA) competition in August? We think the state should change the motto to “Queensland; beautiful one day but NOT the next”. What a time. Unlike the recent past, Roseville had only 3 people that went to Brisbane in August, but only 2 were competing in the Kings.

Janet Beale flew to Brisbane for the Australian FTR team trials – quite a few the people could not make it to this trial – but it was “optional”. Janet flew in just for the one day (Tues 13th) – and of course it rained and things got problematic. But she persevered. After a reasonable shoot at 300yds they did a rapid fire shoot, then went back to 1000yds where there was the occasional pause in shooting due to heavy rains obliterating the target. What a day!

Dmitri Kazakov and Mark Buchanan were in Brisbane for the Kings Series shooting in Target Rifle A-grade which had 56 competitors. Wed 14th was day 1 of the Lead-up (The Duncan) and the QRA had this message for competitors “It’s a wet Wednesday morning at Belmont Shooting Complex and at 7.00am there are only a few contenders for Duck Racing on the Duncan Range! Skippy is undercover and even the rest of the waterfowl have sought cover! Most of us are eyeing up the weather radar in hopes it all moves through pretty quickly. The rain band is currently right over the top of us and moving southwards.” Then later “DUNCAN MEMORIAL UPDATE – MORNING SESSION CANCELLED. There will be a meeting at 10.00am to reassess what the afternoon will bring. Until then, enjoy some time with old mates and new!“.

Dmitri, Mark, and Janet sheltering from the rain

Fortunately the weather eventually improved, but it is too bad the rain/sun-gods, temperature-gods and the wind-gods couldn’t always agree on what to give the shooters. Hexta shows the temperature in the 5 day competition ranged from 25c to 39c with the worst of the heat and wind saved for the 1000 yds. It certainly took its toll across the field with results highly dependent on what happened when you actually got down to shoot.

Our valiant duo of Mark and Dmitri held their own with 9 possibles combined (score of 50 out of 50 often with 6 or 7 V-bulls) over the various details. The worst part of the shoot for our Roseville competitors? Hands down, it was the last detail at 1000yds. The best part of the shoot? The “Après Shoot” comradery with jokes and drinks at the end of the day.

Janet Beale

Joso Teams Match July 2024

It was a cold and very blustery day that would make Winnie-the-Pooh truly say “Happy Winds-day”.  So it was that 28 July saw the annual W S Josephson (Joso) teams match held at Hornsby Rifle Range. This is such a great teams competition and is truly unique. This is probably the largest “any-age” TR team shoot in NSW at this point with 10 teams of TR shooters (5 shooters + wind coach). Amazingly, outside of school comps, this is probably the youngest “average age” team events in the country with over half of all the TR shooters under the age of 30. And there were even 2 F-class teams.

This Joso competition is when the top shooters from the AAGPS schools that compete in rifle shooting pit themselves against, and get to meet, the regular club shooters. For those that don’t know AAGPS = Athletic Association of the Great Public Schools of NSW.  In shooting, the AAGPS is represented by:  Shore School (SCEGS); The Kings School; Sydney Grammar; The Armidale School; Sydney Boys High; Newington College; and Scots College (note: There are other AAGPS schools that don’t shoot so are not listed).  The official GPS Rifle Shooting competition commenced in 1905 but results of the National Rifle Association competition are recorded from 1893. The AAGPS decided in 1903 to formally admit Shooting. So shooting is one of the oldest AAGPS school sports.

Enough about history, lets get back to the Joso. Roseville was highly involved in the 2024 Joso in various ways…

Roseville helped in the setup and running for the day:

  • Rob Trodden was Range Officer
  • Adrian Bonanni was Butts Officer
  • Janet Beale supplied the drinks and helped with the food
  • Dmitri Kazakov was helping with the Hexta system (stats etc)
  • Alan Patrick, wearing his NRTSCMA hat, was helping to make the range as best as it could be (including blowing the cut grass off the 300m pavement)
  • Tim Walter came to assist on the day
  • Christian Lemoy came to assist on the day

But Roseville was also quite involved in the shooting activities:

  • Eva Patrick organised the NSW Veteran’s FTR team
  • Eva Patrick and Janet Beale shot in the “NSW Veteran’s FTR team”
  • Dmitri Kazakov shot in the “NSDRA – Green team”
  • Alan Patrick, Nigel Russell and Skye Russell shot in the “NSDRA – Purple team”
  • Paul Russell shot in the “GPS – Orange team”

I think Mother Nature won the competition – the wind was sufficient to prove to our Malabar friends that YES Hornsby really does have wind sometimes. No-one in the talented field went clean for the day. To give you an idea of the conditions, there was only 1 possible in all the F-class details for the whole day, and in TR which had the large field of 54 shooters, there were only 9 possibles at 300m, 6 possibles at 600m, and 2 possibles at 800m.

Special call outs to:-

  • “MDRA Red Team” who won TR and “NSDRA – F Class Emerald” who won F-Class division.
  • Paul Russell was the 2nd highest scorer across the GPS TR teams (only a few centres behind the top school shooter)
  • Janet Beale was the 2nd highest scorer across all the F-Class teams
  • Eva Patrick and Janet Beale came 2nd and 3rd respectively at 800m across all the F-class shooters (they were behind the 1st place F-open shooter by only 1 & 2 centres respectively)

Thanks to all who helped and/or competed. See you next year!

Janet Beale

End of the Shooting Year 2024

End of the Shooting Year

The end of the shooting year is a time for celebration – where we can recognise the people in our club who make the club what it is. Whether it be those who have diligently filled their range cards (2 shoots at each distance) and excelled in the club competition or those who have competed away from the club. We salute you:

Club Target Rifle A Grade: Champion >>  Phill Hodder Runner Up >> Dmitri Kazakov
Club Target Rifle B Grade: Champion >>  Nigel Russell Runner Up >>  Chris Sefton
Club Target Rifle C Grade: Champion >> Richard Lund Runner Up >>  Rob Trodden
Club FTR:  Champion >> Christian Le Moy Runner Up >>  Ian Palmer
Club F-Standard A Grade: Champion >>  Janet Beale Runner Up >>  Allan Humbert
Club F-Standard B Grade: Champion >> Ross Webb
Club Sporter Class: Champion >> Rob Trodden  Runner Up >>  Sam Houston

Target Rifle Junior:  Champion

  • Skye Russell

Most Improved Shooter:

  • Christian Le Moy

Roseville members who represented the club internationally:

  • Mark Buchanan (Australian Veteran’s team in South Africa, Individual shooter at Bisley, UK)
  • Adam Beale (Australian U25 team in South Africa)

Roseville members who excelled in Kings events across the country:

  • Tasmanian Kings >> Phill Hodder TRA 1st place, Nigel Russell TRB 1st place,
  • NT Kings >> Janet Beale FTR 2nd place

Roseville members who excelled in Open Prize Meetings across the country:


Roseville teams who excelled in the Arn Hammond Matches:

  • Roseville Rottweilers – TR 1 (1st place)
  • Roseville Redbacks – F-Std (1st place)
  • Roseville 20X – F-TR (1st place)

 We also want to thank ALL the people in the club who have made an outstanding contribution to the club and the range over the 23/24 shooting year. We couldn’t do it without you, everything you do makes a difference:

  • The 2023/24 Club committee led by El Presidente Mark Buchanan and Club Captain Rob Trodden supported by Christian LeMoy, Steve Tofler, Ian Palmer and the committee
  • Our members on the 2023/24 NRTSCMA committee >> Alan Patrick, Nigel Russell, Richard Lund
  • Rob Trodden and his crew of helpers (Christian, Ian, etc) who have transformed the clubhouse outside
  • Dmitri Kazakov who supports us with the Hex Systems
  • Our club members who have helped with: targets, new shooters, range duties, club functions, the website, shopping, cleaning, maintenance on the range, tents when it is raining or too sunny, etc etc etc.

Well done to everyone! What a remarkable year it was.

Wingham OPM 2024

On the 7th to the 9th of June, 5 Roseville members travelled to Wingham to compete in the annual Wingham OPM. It was a tricky range as they had the SSAA range in front of the butts pushing your bullet from a V-Bull to a 5. Everyone from Roseville shot in either Target Rifle A or Target Rifle B. In Target Rifle A consisted of Dmitri and Mark, in Target Rifle B had Sam, Skye and Nigel. There was only one shore boy here this year competing in Target Rifle C (Hugh).

On the Friday there was a sweepstake which made its mark being difficult because we were shooting 600yds, and the screen was showing 300m which meant you only could wind half what you would normally do. The Results from Sweepstake: Dmitri 58-1, Mark 67-4, Sam 63-2, Nigel 62-2, and Skye 58-3. Sam tied 1st.

On Saturday, the competition started with a 10 shot at 400m and 2/ 10 shots at 500yds. 400m was good as it was early, and the wind was not too strong but there were some gusts at the end of the range. From the First mound the results were: Mark with an impressive 50-8 sitting him in 3rd place, Dmitri got a 50-5 sitting him in 12th place, Sam got a 48-2 coming 7th place, Nigel getting 48-5 coming 5th place and Skye getting a 47-2 coming 9th place. In the first 500yds Mark got a 50-5 coming 9th place, Dmitri getting a 49-3 coming in 21st place, Sam got 49-3 coming in 5th place, Nigel got a 49-2 coming 7th place and Skye got a 46-1 coming in 12th place. In the second 500yds Mark got an impressive 50-7 coming in 6th place, Dmitri got a 50-2 coming 16th , Sam got a 47-5 coming 10th , Nigel got a 50-4 coming 2nd and Skye got a 48-6 and coming 8th after having a loose front sight and winding the wrong way during the shot.

Day 1 Agg:

Mark (TRA): 4th, His average was 99.99%
Dmitri (TRA): 15th, His average was 99.33%
Sam (TRB): 7th, His average was 95.99%
Nigel (TRB): 3rd, His average was 97.99%
Skye (TRB): 9th, Her average was 93.99%

Day 2 kicked off with 400m. Not much wind at the start but throughout the shoot you had to watch the trees near the gully to see the change. Mark started with a 50-4 putting him into 11th, Dmitri got a 47-4 putting him in 27th, Sam got a 48-3 putting him in 9th, Nigel got a 49-5 putting him in 4th, Skye got an impressive 50-7 taking her to first place and getting the first gold for Roseville. The first 600yds was a bit more difficult as the wind started to pick up Mark got a 49-5 coming 18th, Dmitri got a 49-3 coming 24th, Sam got a 45-2 coming 10th, Nigel got beaten by his daughter again, scoring a 47-3 while Skye got a 50-4 coming 1st for another range medal.

The last stage for the competition was a 15 shot was difficult as it took a minute or two before the flags dropped which made it a long shoot after a big weekend of shooting. Mark finished with an impressive 75-9 coming in 5th, Dmitri got a 72.5 coming 24th, Sam got a 75-7 coming home with a gold, Nigel got a 71-6 coming in 8th, Skye got a 71-4 coming in 9th.

Day 2 Agg:

Day 2 Grand Agg
Mark (TRA): 9th With an average of 99.42% 4th
Dmitri (TRA): 27th With an average of 95.99% 23rd
Sam (TRB): 4th Wth an average of 95.99% 8th
Nigel (TRB): 6th With an average of 95.42% 5th
Skye (TRB): 3rd With an average of 97.71% 7th

Well done to everyone that came up and well done to everyone that came away with a place. Also, a huge congratulations to Hugh after coming 1st in every stage throughout the weekend

Nigel Russel

Northern Territory Kings – June 2024

Every two years, Darwin Rifle Club has their trifecta of competitions:

  • The Alice OPM (held in Darwin over 3 days) – sponsored by the CARC (Central Australia Rifle Club)
  • The Lou Hook Series (the 2-day lead up – 6 stages)
  • The King’s Prize (3 days – 10 stages)

Note: there was also a team’s competition called the Dyer, but Janet didn’t enter due to lack of ammo.

This NT King’s is a little different:

  • this was the inaugural King’s prize as previously it was the Queen’s Prize.
  • there are 10 stages in this King’s prize whereas most of the other states have 8 stages in the Kings.
  • There were many NT-based competitors that we rarely get to compete against
  • The distances were 500m – 900m with 50% of the Kings being shot at 800m or 900m

Janet Beale (shooting in FTR) was the sole Roseville competitor at this year’s competition although there were plenty of others who also visited from NSW, Vic, Qld and even WA. Unfortunately, Janet was only able to shoot part of The Alice OPM, but it was enough to win a couple of prizes and to get some elevations for the lead-up and the NT Kings.

The Micket Creek Shooting complex was well presented and the Darwin Rifle Club even had brand new sun shelters ready to keep the competitors, scorers and bystanders out of the sun.

Sun shelter on the move between ranges

Sun shelter opened up with good shade protection.

Conditions were mild but tricky with drop offs and pickups occurring very regularly meaning a “4” on one side and potentially next shot being a “4” on the other side (3+ min of wind change between shots if you don’t watch for it carefully). The occasional down drafts were a nightmare to contend with as you could not see any indications of them and oops – there is a low “5” (or worse!). But everyone shot in the same conditions as the squadding was well organised throughout (resetting by discipline after each move to new range). Every day was sunny – it is easy to see why this is called the dry season.

While in Darwin, Janet also was able to catch up with son Adam Beale who was temporarily posted to HMAS Broome which is based in Dawin.

So what did Janet come home with?

  • 6 first place range prizes
  • 5 daily aggregate prizes (mixture of gold / silver / bronze)
  • 2nd in the Lou Hook Lead up
  • 2nd in the NT Kings
  • 3rd in the Grand Aggregate
  • $600 in prize money
  • And a bonus of catching Covid for the first time.

Janet with the Leadup 2nd place

Janet with the Kings Prize 2nd place

Janet’s prizes

The NT Kings is well worth the visit in 2 years time if you can make it. It is not too hard to fly up. Or do it like some of the others who hit the NQRA Kings first and then drove up to Darwin….. question: “when are you driving home?”….answer: “August”.

Janet Beale

Five out of Six Roseville Members on the podium at Cessnock OPM 2024

Ross and Adrian headed north on Saturday the 18th of May to get some practice on the Cessnock Range at 600 yards ahead of the Open Prize meeting the next day.   The A-Van was hitched up and as they headed north the weather looked threatening around Hornsby – with showers forecast – but improved slightly as we headed further north.   The truck and van pulled into Cessnock Range just on midday after a smooth 90 minute drive, and after the A-Van was set-up and connected to mains power – it was time to make ourselves known to the duty Club and register for the Saturday afternoon practice.

It was cold and overcast – and while it did not rain – it was some of the most wicked wind ever seen on Cessnock range.   Some friendly faces from West Wallsend Rifle Club welcomed Ross and Adrian, and we duly fell in to shoot with them on target 5.

In the first practice match – Adrian shot a 69.5 over 15 shots, and Ross posted a 48.1 over 10 shots.   The wind was gusting from 9 oçlock but would quickly stall and come in from 1:30 so knowing your zero and firing quickly on the conditions you favoured was the order of the day.

At the second practice match – Adrian posted a 67.1 after cutting two bulls eye sighters and finishing on a maggot and a bull.  69 in the conditions would have been a credible score – with Duncan Davies posting a 68.4 – proof of just how challenging the conditions were.   Ross posted a 43 getting totally tossed around by the wind.

After being challenged by the conditions Ross and Adrian were happy to get their elevations right for the comp the following day, and pleased to not be troubled by any rain.  After shooting – it was time to relax and think about heading into to town for dinner at the local pub – always a favourite activity on shooting trips.   Ross and Adrian were back at the campsite for an early night.

Shooting on HEXTA Targets – Skye gets ready to compete in the first match at 500 yards

The next morning was a completely different weekend – with light winds, sunshine and a decidedly warmer temperature.   The wind was a gentle 4-6 miles per hour coming from 1 oçlock and sometimes straightening a bit to 2-2:30.  Fellow Roseville members Nigel, Skye, Alan and Eva entered the fray for the Cessnock OPM.   It was a different format this year with two 15 shot matches only – one at 500 yards and one at 600 yards.

The curse of the cross-fire struck Adrian at the first match – when he duly put a super-centre on target 6 for his 11th shot.  His day was done with a 66.7.  Nigel fared well with a 73.5 (2nd in TRB) posting the highest TR score across the Roseville contingent in the first match with Alan posting a 72.4 (3rd in TRA) and Skye posting a 71.5 (2nd in TRC).

In FTR – Eva was one point behind Gary Faulkner with an 88.4 to come second, and in FSB Ross came 3rd with a 73.2 after some trouble finding the target due to his scope being knocked off zero overnight.

At the second Match the ground warmed up, the sun was brighter and there was a bit of mirage to read so having your spotting scope handy was imperative.   Adrian used the mirage to hold the centre bull and he posted a 73.11 (2nd in TRA).  Alan posted a 73.7 (3rd in TRA) as did Nigel (2nd in TRB).  Skye was unlucky not to win the match in TRC posting an equal 73.3 with the winner – but beaten on countback.

Alan takes Number 3 badge in TRA

Nigel takes out number 2 badge in TRB

Skye takes out number 2 badge in TRC – from a field of 22 shooters!

In FTR – Eva could not get around Gary and came second with a 86.4 while Ross came 3rd in FSB with a 75.2.

At the end of the comp – 5 out of our 6 Roseville competitors finished on the podium in the Aggregate.   Special mention was for Skye’s effort in TRC – coming 2nd in a field of 22 shooters!

Ross was pleasantly surprised to take out 3rd Badge in FSB

Eva takes 2nd badge in FTR

The Cessnock shoot was very well run, and all Roseville members had a pleasant day out in the sunshine.  We are all determined to compete next year and move up a step or two on the podium.  Go Roseville!

P.S. Cessnock has HEXTA targets so you can see the full competition results here:  https://shooting.hexsystems.com.au/competition/monitor/497

Adrian Bonanni

Townsville Marksmen OPM and NQRA Kings 14-19 May 2024

A Shooting holiday Odyssey for Mark, Sam, Dmitri & Tim

Dmitri got up to Townsville early to provide ET support for the National TR Teams event in Townsville before the shooting for the mere mortals started.  The NQRA team provided Dmitri with accommodation on site in the ‘snake pit’.  Townsville range is very scenic but is renowned for less than friendly native wildlife with at least two known hospitalisations for snake bites occurring on the range.  ‘Dmitri’s shed’ as it became known was delightful – full of garden equipment, geckos, bats and the occasional Ross River Mossie.

Mark took his time driving up arriving on the Monday just in time to pick Sam up from the airport on Monday.  Mark was kind enough to carry some of Sam’s gear and some of Dmitri’s ammo.  They went early to wonderful accommodation on The Strand at ‘Magnetic Views’.  The cleaner was still cleaning the apartment, so Mark took Sam on a 12km walk in his new thongs.  Deep blisters ensued, and Sam is still walking with a limp.

Dmitri wanted to try the electric scooters that are ubiquitous in Townsville and for Sam to provide a lesson as he had used them on his last trip.

Unfortunately, Sam now exceeds the weight limit for the scooters so he could not provide the lesson. Scooter says “No”.  Dmitri did have a short trip by himself which he enjoyed.

The events were massive – bigger than anyone can remember – partly due to the TR Teams event, but also lots of southern staters wanting some winter sunshine and warmth.

175 entries in the Kings, with the Wilson only 10 or 12 less.

Weather was mostly hot and fine.  There was a shower late on Wed – but all Rosevilleans had finished by that stage.

Mark, Dmitri and Sam attended Townsville OPM.

The results were as follows:

Range Dmitri Mark Sam
700m 50.2 50.6 50.7- 1st in B Grade
800m 48.5 50.7- 1st in A Grade 50.3- 1st in B Grade
900m 50.4- 1st in A Grade 49.3 43.4
AGG 148.11 –4th in A Grade 149.16 – 1st in A Grade 143.14

Mark won the 800m match and the A Grade Aggregate.

Dmitri won 900m in A Grade and Sam won 700m and 800m in B Grade.

Well done, Roseville!

A late entry and traveler, Tim arrived on the Tuesday.  He had found a bargain flight on Virgin, but on arrival at the airport learned that the fare did not include baggage.  So another $240 for baggage – it worked out not as cheap as he first thought.  Travelling light with most gear taken by a friend from Malabar, Tim still needed some baggage.  After some effort finding the parking, Tim joined the others for a feed and maybe a glass of Shiraz.

Dmitri took the opportunity to move closer to the night life action on Tim’s arrival.  We call this move – ‘Dmitri moves from the snake pit to the flea pit’, as Tim and Dmitri’s shared accommodation was less than salubrious.

The Rosevilleans had pizza on the verandah of Magnetic Views on Tuesday night. The quality of the pizza was such that Dmitri and Tim thought that Mark and Sam were trying to poison them! The red wine was good though!

Wednesday night, we all ate at the C Bar on the strand – joined by Rob Sandlant and his wife Pamela – good friends of Mark’s from Victoria.

Friday night was meant to be Roseville steak night at the pub – but the queue for the bistro was out to the street.  After a search we found another pub and had meat and wine…all enjoyed with just a little wine spillage.

Sat night was a Chinese and Indian combo back on the apartment verandah.

Tim went home on the Sunday, and Sam, Dmitri and Mark went to the Longboard and had a lighter meal with some wine.  Another terrific venue.

Dmitri, Mark, Sam, and Tim attended for the Wilson lead up and the Kings.
Shooting was done on brand new HEXTA Targets and there was very little in the wind for most of the competition apart from occasional pick-ups and drop offs and the last 900m was tricky.

The results were as follows:


Range Dmitri Mark Sam Tim
500m 50.3 50.7 50.4 45.2
600m 49.2 50.6 42.2 46.2
600m 50.6-2nd 50.4 46.3 42.1
Day 1 149.11 – 2nd 150.17 138.09 133.5

Poor Sam put a shot on the wrong target at the first 600m! (only to keep the Club tradition of course).


Range Dmitri Mark Sam Tim
800m 49.4 50.5 49.6 40.2
800m 49.4 50.2 49.7 47.4
900m 48.7 0.00 48.7 43.1
Day 146.15 100.7 146.20 130.07
WILSON 295.26 – 3rd 250.24 284.29 263.12

After winning the OPM and going ‘clean’ on the 5 stages of the Wilson with his No 2 rifle, Mark decided to up the ante, and move to his first No 1 rifle with Bergers to hopefully gain some centres and finish in the medals.  However, this rifle had had its barrel removed and re-attached – with the front sight not so level. A less than desirable outcome ensued.

When Tim told Dmitri that Mark was not happy with his misses, Dmitri thought Tim meant that Mark was having marital difficulties, but realizing the confusion, Tim explained the difference between Mrs and misses! English is a difficult language.


Range Dmitri Mark Sam Tim
500m 50.6 – 3rd 49.8 49.6 47.2
600m 49.4 – 3rd 49.4 47.3 45.1
600m 49.4 48.4 46.3 43.1
Day 1 148.14 – 2nd 146.16 143.14 135.4

Comrade starting to flex his muscles.


Range Dmitri Mark Sam Tim
700m 50.8 – 2nd 49.6 50.6 45.1
800m 46.4 50.5 46.6 47.0
800m 50.6 – 2nd 48.5 50.5 – 3rd 46.4
Day 2 146.18 146.16 146.17 138.5

Comrade strikes again but with an unfortunate score at the first 800m.


Range Dmitri Mark Sam Tim
900m 48.4 47.4 49.2 42.2
900m 44.3 46.1 44.2 39.0
Day 3 92.7 93.5 93.4 81.2


Kings Aggregate

KINGS Dmitri Mark Sam Tim
Score 386.39 – 4th B 386.37 – 40th A 382.35 – 7th B 354.11
GRAND 681.65 – 4th B
636.61 – 41st A 666.64 – 9th B 617.23 – 21 B

Great results for Dmitri and Sam who both won Kings badges!

Dmitri, Mark, Sam, and Tim had dinner together on all but one night and it was a great experience to enjoy the camaraderie of the occasion.  While there may have been the odd glass of red, it didn’t seem to impact performance too much when shooting with a known rifle and on the right target!

Tim Walter and Sam Houston

Malabar MDRA City of Sydney Championships

End of April means ANZAC Day and, for some, an extra long weekend. This provided the potential to shoot for 3 days at Malabar in 3 separate but conjoined competitions. First was the ANZAC Day OPM (25th) where Roseville had 6 entrants, then the City of Sydney OPM (26th) where Roseville had 2 entrants, then the City of Sydney Long Range Championships (27th) where Roseville had no qualifying scores but 1 entrant (Janet paid for entrance but did load testing at 800m and didn’t submit her score).

After the solemnities at the ANZAC gates, the Roseville crew gathered for a photo proving we had 3 in attendance for Target Rifle (Alan (TR-A), Adrian (TR-B), Chris (TR-C)) and 3 in F Class (Ross (FS-B), Eva (FTR) and Janet (FTR)). The first day of competition (2+10 and 2+15 at 600m) commenced under reasonably nice conditions with wind over the right shoulder. Roseville’s best showing was Chris Sefton gaining a Bronze medal for the day (TR-C) and Janet also getting a bronze for the day (FTR) despite the fact she was load testing and changing powder weights mid-shoot. Special commendation to Alan Patrick who only dropped 2 points (TR-A) but had a high centre count and was unfortunately out of medal contention.   Overall, at the end of the day, all the Roseville competitors had top 10 placings in their respective disciplines / grades (Chris and Janet 3rd, Ross 5th, Alan and Eva 7th, Adrian 9th) showing the strength of our club shooters against people who were mostly on their home range.

The second day of competition was a holiday for some and a work day for others. The competitor numbers were therefore quite different to the previous day; but then so was the wind which decided to carve up the field somewhat. The competition was 2+10 at 500 twice and 2+10 at 600 twice but it wasn’t easy.  Roseville was down to only 2 competitors: Adrian managed a 1st place and 3rd place in two of the details (TR-B) and Janet, still load testing, also surprisingly had two 3rd place details (FTR). Adrian finished the day in 4th place (TR-B) just out of medal contention.

The final day of competition was at 700m, 800m and 800m with very nice mild flags. The day was not without an interesting event:- the police closed the range for a period at lunch time while they searched for someone in the bushland on the side of the range and on the headland. Even a police helicopter checked things out.  Everyone was instructed to stay very close to their rifles in case the person being sought appeared. But after an extended delay, with no additional drama, the police left and the shooting commenced.  No Roseville competitors had scores recorded because Janet was our sole representative there doing one detail of load testing at 800m but without submitting her card.

Janet Beale

Victorian Rifle Association 2024 Kings Series

Tim Walter was Roseville’s sole representative at the Victorian Rifle Association 2024 Kings Series held over 10 to 14 April 2024.

Tim stayed at the Happy Wanderer Motel as usual and had the company of Graeme Bright from Bathurst, Don Thompson from Natives and Cedric May from Canberra.

The weather was fine, around 7 or 8 degrees in the morning, but becoming quite warm during the day. Conditions for Day 1 of the Syme were blustery all day over 500, 500, and 600 Yards.

It was not a good day for Tim who distinguished himself in the wrong way by coming last at each range in B Grade!

Day 2 of the Syme saw calmer weather for 700, 900 and 1,000 Yards.

At 700 Yards Tim continued to place last, but at 900 Yards Tim was able to shoot a 49.5 to win the range in B Grade!

1,000 Yards proved trickier and for once Tim did not finish last!

Day 1 of the Kings was shot over 500, 500, and 600 Yards.

A sling adjustment before the first range made a difference and Tim shot 48.4 and 49.4 at the 500 Yard ranges, finishing in 3rd place in the second shoot.

600 Yards saw Tim finish with 46.2 giving him a Day 1 Aggregate of 143.10 finishing in 7th place in B Grade and feeling a lot better about his shooting.

Day 2 of the Kings was shot over 700, 800, and 900 Yards and many shooters were hopeful of some big scores at these ranges, however, the mirage liked to reverse itself on occasions, usually while a shooter was on aim, and magpies were not unusual.

Tim shot 45.3 at 700 Yards finishing in 8th place, and 46.2 at 800 Yards finishing in 9th place.

At 900 Yards, Tim opened with a miss to finish last again with 39.2, an outer 2 for his second last shot not helping the score. This gave Tim 130.7 on Day 2 to finish in 12th place.

Day 3 of the Kings was shot over 900 and 1000 Yards.

Tim was shooting early at number 3 and sighting proved difficult for him, scoring 42.1 with another outer 2.

At 1,000 yards and shooting last, sighting was again a challenge, and although the wind was light it was drifting up and down. Tim dropped 4 points in 6 shots but finished 2,4,4,4, for 40.0, but in 10th place, not last!

Not the desired outcome, but an improvement on the lead-up and with a plan to see the Optometrist very shortly, which may hopefully eliminate some sighting issues.

The Kings A Grade Target Rifle winner was Duncan Davies of West Wallsend Rifle Club with a score of 396.49 two centers ahead of Geoff Grenfell of Bendigo Rifle Club.

Jim Jeffrey of Lyndhurst Rifle Club, for whom I had the pleasure of scoring during the Kings, was most unfortunate to drop his last shot for 49.5 at 1,000 Yards to finish with 396.47. A bullseye would have won him the Kings!

On the social front, our Hostess, Melissa, cooked us all a great meal on the Tuesday night and on the other night’s Cedric, Don, Graeme, and Tim walked down to the Tyson’s Reef pub for a meal, Melissa joining us on the Thursday.

The usual outing to a restaurant on the Saturday night did not occur, but four tired shooters had a Chinese takeaway at home and had an early night, apart from Don, who continued to Watch “Oklahoma” on TV!

Tim W. 17 April 2024.

2024 Inverell RSM OPM

Dmitri and Phill decided to spend the Easter Long Weekend at Inverell for their annual OPM. They both went there last year and really enjoyed the experience. Phill left from Sydney and Dmitri travelled south from QLD after doing some important Hex Systems work.

The guys arrived in time on Friday to have a practice at 600y. Phill had arrived a little earlier and spent time getting his campsite set up with his new camper trailer. Dmitri had a dilemma to work out. According to the NRAA Grading he was B Grade, and he was considering entering that as he knew there were lots of ”Hot Shots” competing in A Grade, including the Picton’s (fresh from their South Africa Palma and U25 campaign), and some bloke that just won the Tas Kings! But when he found out that there were only 2 C Graders entered and they would have to compete in B Grade, he unselfishly decided to go in A Grade!

Dinner that night was served at the campsite consisting of marinated chicken and pan-fried potatoes, and the guys enjoyed relaxing and solving the world’s problems.

Saturday’s course of fire was a double 600y then a 15-shot match at 500y. The morning started off cool with little wind. Both guys took advantage, Phill shot a credible 50.7, and Dmitri a 49.5. As the day progressed the wind and mirage started to play up. Phill didn’t have his spotting scope, so Dmitri graciously let him use his. This was very helpful as often the flags were still or pointing in opposite directions, but the mirage seemed to be true. Dmitri was unlucky in the last 2 details, dropping 1 point in each. Phill realized that his recent luck wasn’t holding up, nor was his mental game and dropped 3 and 4 points. Dmitri finished in 5th for the day, and Phill dead last!

Dinner that night was at the well-appointed clubhouse. Various Inverell and Armidale members cooked a magnificent feast of beef, chicken, lamb, vegetables and salads. Virtually all the competitors stayed and enjoyed the great food and company. A fun time was had by all.

Sunday dawned and the Easter Bunny had paid a visit, dropping off Easter eggs to all that stayed on the range! Sunday’s ranges were a reverse from the day before, with a double 500y then a final 15 shot match at 600y. The boys started off well with Dmitri shooting a 50.6 and Phill 50.5, and for the second stage they both dropped 1 point. By the last range Dmitri decided that using his spotting scope would be an advantage as the conditions dictated it, he finished the stage shooting a 73.4. Unfortunately, Phill ran out of puff and grit and decided to retire near the end of the match.

Dmitri finished the comp in 5th place, which was very commendable considering the caliber of shooters there. This made his decision to enter A Grade the correct decision.

Dmitri decided to leave for home that afternoon before the presentation. Soon after his journey began, he realized that Google Maps probably needed some enhancements, as it led him down some scary dirt roads in the middle of nowhere. Also, his decision not to fill his car with fuel before he left made the trip more worrying than it needed to be. But not to worry, he found a very helpful farmer in the middle of nowhere that directed him to the nearest fuel station before he needed to use his reserve jerry can of fuel. Phill left the next morning after packing up camp. Google Maps also led him in a similar direction, but he persevered and finally made it home, albeit with a bent jockey wheel handle after going through a deep dip on the dirt road.

The annual OPM at Inverell is a must. The club members are very friendly and accommodating and it’s always a fun time, put it in your calendar for next year.

Phill Hodder

Phill Hangs Up his Roseville Hat

One of Roseville’s long-standing members, Phill Hodder is hanging up his Roseville hat and leaving Roseville Rifle Club for fairer shores….and that would be Tasmania? Yes!  Phill has been a Roseville member since 2000 – so that is easy maths – it is 24 years. What a 24 years it has been. Lets cover off some of his accomplishments:

  • Moved through the ranks ending up in Target Rifle A-Grade (TRA)
  • Multiple wins at various distances at OPMs across the state
  • Roseville Rifle Captain, re-elected unopposed for many years until he chose to step down (leaving big shoes to fill!)
  • Coached 3 of our junior shooters so well that they ended up at the World Championships representing Australia (Angus Martin, Pat Jacombs, Adam Beale)
  • Coached Shore Rifle Club so that they went from last place to champions within a couple of years (and incidentally helped grow the RRC membership as a result).
  • Regular Arn Hammond shooter / coach in Target Rifle and, this year, also in F-Standard.
  • He has been Roseville’s top TRA shooter and NSDRA District Champion.
  • Tasmanian Kings Champion 2024 (Target Rifle A Grade)


We could go on, but you get the gist. He is very good shooter, a very good wind coach, and a very good performance coach.

More importantly, Phill has been generous with his time; a mentor to many of our shooters and P650s Try-Shooters; and a friend to everyone. It is because of people like Phill that Roseville has become the success it is. We have a huge mix of ages and skills across many disciplines including novices, intermediate shooters, and seasoned shooters. We are probably the most successful club on the Hornsby Rifle Range. A large part of the Roseville success-formula has been Phill.

Our loss will be Tasmania’s gain. We are excited for him in his new “overseas” adventure. We will watch and cheer him on to new heights from a distance. To help send him on his way, Roseville came together for an evening at the Curry House in Thornleigh. He was presented with a parting gift and notification that he was made an Honorary Member of Roseville.

Before he goes, Phill has some unfinished business, the last Arn Hammond of the shooting year and maybe (hopefully) representing Roseville again as our top TRA shooter to compete at the District Championships.

Adieu Phill, but not goodbye – you may hang up your “Roseville Hat”, but you will forever have Roseville DNA.

Janet Beale

Roseville at the World Championships

Two Roseville target rifle (TR) shooters have just returned from competing at the World Championships in Bloemfontein, South Africa. This competition was supposed to be held in 2023 but was delayed due to Covid (previous TR World Championships were in 2019 in New Zealand).

Roseville is extremely proud that Mark Buchanan and Adam Beale were representing Australia in both the teams and individual events. Mark was in the Australian Veteran’s Team and Adam in the Australian U25 Team, but they were also up against 320 of the world’s best shooters in the individual competitions.

In the 3 teams matches:

  • The Australian U25 team (which included Adam) came home with 2 gold medals and a 4th place;
  • The Australian Open-age team came home 1 gold medal and 2 bronze medals;
  • The Australian Veteran’s team (which included Mark) came home with 1 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal.

Overall, Australia came home with 8 medals out of 9 team competitions. There were many individual and team records broken at this championship. It was the tightest final round in the Open-age (Palma) match.  The Australian Open-age team defended their title as World Champions as did the Australian Veteran’s team. What a tough competition.

Highlights for our Roseville competitors:

  • In the second teams match (Protea Match / Tony Loughnan Memorial Match) Adam was top U25 scorer overall.
  • In the World Championship matches shot at 300m, 600m, 800m, 900m
    • Mark Buchanan was 4th in the veteran category only dropping 4 points;
    • Adam was 8th in the U25 category
  • In the Grand Aggregate for the World Long Range Championship (Individual):
    • Veteran’s grand aggregate >> Mark was 30th in a large field of 102 vets / supervets
    • U25 grand aggregate >> Adam was 2nd (and 36th overall).

As Roseville Club Captain Rob Trodden said “our club has 2 members in the top 100 shooters IN THE WORLD, something most of us can only dream of”.

Roseville congratulates our own world class shooters on their international success and all their Australian Team mates who dominated the various matches.  You Did Us Proud!

More photos and details can be found at >>

Australian Veteran’s Team – Mark Buchanan (middle row far right).

Australian U25 team – Adam Beale (back row – left).

Janet Beale

Rosevilles Rising Star Shines Bright at North West New England DRA OPM

On Sunday the 17th of March, Nigel Russell, Skye Russell, Ross Webb and Adrian Bonanni entered the North West New England DRA Open Prize Meeting. There were 54 entries for this one day prize meeting at Spring Ridge Rifle Range, showing that long range target shooting is strong in this part of New South Wales.

Adrian waits to shoot at the first match

We recongnised a couple of familiar faces who also made the trip from the North Shore District – Matt Paroz from Hornsby RSL and Gavin Mitchell from Hornsby Manly TRC. With only 4 HEXTA targets – the competition organisers were keen to get going so the first 500 yard match started at 8:30am.

Skye Russell was forced to enter TR B-Grade because no C-Grade competition category was offered. She was the first of our Club to shoot at the 15 shot match at 500 yards and she posted a very credible 73.4. Not wanting to be out-shot by his daughter Nigel shot next and was relieved to notch up a 74.8 continuing his good form from his recent Tasmanian Kings win. Ross got down and learned the wind at 500 yards posting an 80.2. Last to shoot at 500 yards was Adrian Bonanni. The mirage started to play-up by this time as it was mid-morning and Adrian dropped on inner 4 more than he would have liked posting a 72.9 – with two inner fours only just out at 3 oçlock – one where he had wound a quarter right. Doh!

Ross relaxing while he waits to shoot at the last 600 yards

It was back to 600 yards and the combination of wind and mirage in the middle of days had everyone spooked. It did not look like the flags and mirage were doing very much, but you really had to be careful as the flags shifted from 12:30 to 1:30 – across zero. Skye maintained her focus and racked up and impressive 49.2 in the 10-shot match – coming 3rd in TRB. Ross got down and was pleased with his 54.4. Nigel let Skye get around him getting up with a 48.4. Adrian new he could not afford to drop any more points, given his bad start, and he got down and shot the only possible in Target Rifle posting a 50 with no centres. The combination of mirage and wind plus some wind reading kept him in the bullseye and he won the match in TRA.

Nigel, Skye and Adrian were in the hunt and it was going to come down to the last match. Skye made it look easy at the 15 shot 600 yard match – effortlessly racking up a 72.7. Nigel was feeling some match pressure and tried his best to move up the ladder – but he was only able to post a 71.3. Ross was a bit tired by the afternoon – given we were up at 6:30am and on the road by 7am to make start-time and he shot a 78.2. Adrian was up for not dropping any more points, and posted the highest score in TRA at the match with a wonderful 75.8

No smiles – all business – Skye prepares for the last 600 yard match

Half a smile – she must be pleased with her shooting at the last 600 yard match

So in the wash-up at the end of the day – Skye Russell our TRC shooter rose to claim Number 3 badge in TRB at the competition with an aggregate of 194.13 – only two points behind the winner in TRB.

Nigel and Adrian’s shots at the 2nd 600 yard match

Adrian picked up two wins in TRA at each of the 600 yard matches staying clean at that distance. Nigel and Ross enjoyed the shooting – with some things to reflect on and experience at Spring Ridge under their belt. It was an great prize meeting with two 15 shot matches in the mix – and I would encourage more Roseville Members to head north to the competition next year.

TRA Scores

TRB Scores

FSB Scores

Adrian Bonanni

From Scone to Aberdeen – Saturday Practice for New England North West DRA OPM

Nigel and Ross and the welcoming committee at Scone – with the new Ute in the background.

Ross Webb and Adrian Bonanni were looking forward to a good weekend of shooting and camping starting on Friday the 15th of March.  The plan was to head off from Sydney at midday and drive into the farm gate at Scone to meet Nigel on his front porch for beer by 4:30pm.  Ross was keen to stretch the legs of his new Isuzu D-Max 4WD and so he took the first shift on the drive.   The trip north on the New England Highway was very un-eventful – but we did discover that Singleton and Scone have some of cheapest fuel prices in NSW – so it was great to top-up there.   We arrived with caravan in tow at Nigel Russells farm as expected and enjoyed a quiet drink before we headed off to the Thoroughbred Hotel for a delicious steak.   Most of the discussion over dinner centred around shooting as you would expect, and we finished our social at around 9pm and went back to the farmhouse to watch the Sydney Swans flog the Collingwood Magpies in the AFL.

There is something about country life – the fresh air, the sounds of nature – that means you always have a good night sleep – and that night was no exception.

The next morning we had a decision to make:  Head to Spring Ridge to practice on the day before the Prize Meeting, or go 15 mins down the road to Aberdeen and experience Nigels local range.   When Nigel informed us that the Captain of the Aberdeen Rifle Club was going to change their range programme from 300yards to 500yards so we could get practice at the same distance we would be shooting first up the next day at Spring Ridge – the choice was easy.

Having never shot on the Aberdeen Rifle range before – I can say I was very impressed with the range as soon as we drove in the front gate.  It is very well maintained range with 50m and 100m firing points and the firing points from 300yards all the way back to 600yards. It has 5 target lanes – and the Club has 4 Silver Mountain targets.

Looking downrange from the 500 yard firing point at Aberdeen.

We met Kevin Muffet – Club Legend – at the 100m mound where some morning shooting with .223 Centrefire and .22 Rimfire was taking place.  They were finishing off the morning shoot so we signed in, and when shooting ceased – we headed to the butts to put the Electronic Targets up.  Looking back down the range from the elevated stop butts was a pretty sight – and there was a tricky Southerly wind coming in at 6 to 8 MPH so it was going to be a challenge.  We met some familiar faces on the range including Rod Davies from Cessnock – who regularly goes to Aberdeen to practice wind reading.

3 Electronic Targets were installed and we headed back to the 500 yard mound for the afternoon shoot.  There were about 8 shooters that afternoon and I am told that is a big day for Aberdeen.  Nigel, Kevin and Adrian had Target 1, Ross paired up with Rod on Target 2,  and a number of locals shot on target 3.

Adrian had recently installed a new barrel using his standard load and was getting over 3,100 fps at the muzzle – boy does it shoot flat – but maybe a bit too fast for .308 Win

Nigel shot his first stage and was 4 shots in when someone accidentally reset the target.   He started his stage again and posted a credible 49.1 in tricky conditions.    Adrian followed suit and notched up a 49.6 with one drifting out at 3 o’clock due to a wind drop-off.   Ross shot one 15 shot match and recorded no shot less than a 5 to post an 83.2

In the second practice, Nigel had two batches of ammo, and at the changeover one fired low giving him one more inner 4 than he would of liked.   He posted a 48.3.   Adrian shifted over to Target 2 and shot his second stage in trickier wind conditions and was pleased to get up with a 49.5

Nigel on-aim during the second practice.

The Club Practice at Aberdeen was all done by about 3:30pm and so we helped pack up the targets and said our goodbyes to Kevin Muffet and the Aberdeen boys – with a promise to return sometime soon.   There are rumors that they will host an OPM – so we pledged our support and are keen to return.   It was a great afternoon on the Aberdeen range and it is a wonderful range to shoot on if you are ever in the New England area.

The next day we were heading to the North West New England District Rifle Association OPM – so read the next article for more on that.

Adrian Bonanni



The Katoomba Rifle Club Inc (“KRC”] held its first Open Prize Meeting in 5 years last weekend, the 9th-10th March 2024, to contest the historical Paterson Trophy (since 1938) and Peacock Cup (since 1906). This OPM was a grand occasion, as it was also the first sanctioned Fullbore competition for the KRC since being reopened by the NSW Police Firearms Registry, after significant capitol works and an agreed bi-partisan risk assessment, in November 2023.  To mark this return to competition, the KRC have created a new perpetual trophy called the Katoomba Phoenix. The Katoomba Phoenix trophy marks the dawn of a new era, with new range works, new club works, new club philosophy but an absolute goal of maintaining the KRC competitive traditions and achievements (that include over 90 years of perfect safety).

Saturday 9th March — Paterson Trophy (since 1938).

Competition started on Saturday after a briefing by the CRO David Waters, and an introduction to the KRC range and club executive Robert Logue (Capt) and Daniel Moore (Vice Capt). The crowd were made up of shooters from many ranges in NSW, stretching from Wagga to Tamworth and many ranges in between.

The Saturday event was to contest the Paterson Cup. Mr R.J.(Bob) Paterson was a member of Katoomba for 60 years, popular and longest-serving Captain, then President and Patron. He was also elected to the NSWRA (1921), Vice President (1947) and was made a Life Member.

All seemed a perfect start to weekend competition – the weather turned on a magnificent day for all shooters, to the delight of the hosts who had planned for wet weather with many tarps, ropes and poles at the ready. This meet was going ahead no matter what…

At the morning sign-on, we were blessed to have Chris Roberts in attendance. Chris has made a significant contribution to KRC by recording the club’s long history and has published a book on this subject. Chris is an expert on the clubs ancient trophies, origins and the personalities involved. He was instrumental in tracking down Paterson’s involvement and actively promoted the club recognising his achievement. Chris stayed on for whole of the weekend event. It was wonderful to have Chris participate in our presentation ceremonies.

The Paterson course of fire was:

  • 300 yards TR (2 and 10)
  • 500 yards TR (2 and 10), F-Class (2 and 15)
  • 600 yards TR (2 and 15), F-Class (2 and 15)

The 600 was originally set for 2 and 10, but little was it realised that TR 2 and 15 was the 600 tradition at Katoomba, so 2 and 15 it was, after all the competitors agree to the 5 round increase. The shooting and match structure history of the KRC on this picturesque Leura based range goes well back. Some may balk at the 300 stage, but 300 is of significant historical importance to our club foundation, as part of an aggregate 300, 500 and 600 competition. The KRC is dedicated to, at least for these historical trophies, keeping this historical 300, 500 and 600 course shot well into the future.

Saturday placings for the Paterson Cup were:

PATERSON Target Rifle
Winner Alan Patrick – Roseville Rifle Club – 169.10
Runner Up David Xuereb – Explorers Rifle Club – 168.11
3rd Place Robert Logue – Katoomba Rifle Club – 167.11
PATERSON F-Class Winner Chris Davis – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club –  176.14
Runner Up Ryan Urguhart – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club – 174.10
3rd Place Rowan Uguhart – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club – 172.08

The Paterson medals were presented by Robert Logue and the trophy cup was presented by Chris Roberts, and long-time member of the KRC and a considerable benefactor as he personally wrote about the great Katoomba Rifle Club history in the book “From Cascade to Wentworth Creek” L Alan Patrick, R Chris Davis, Winners of the Paterson Trophy.

The Saturday finished with a good presentation, out front of the refurbished and clean clubhouse thanks to the hard work of Roman Copot, Gordon Stephens and Frank Gasparini, and a few others, where medals and prize money were handed out to the deserved winners and place getters. Ray Wilson gave some history of the Paterson Trophy to the shooters, and some of the stories that have lived on in regards to competition many years ago through the Blue Mountains region and Katoomba’s place in that Paterson Trophy history. Paterson Trophy was awarded and appropriate down-range photos were taken.

The day concluded with a bite to eat, some important hydration and lots of chatter amongst many new friends…it was a grand occasion for the KRC…but there was more to come…tomorrow…Sunday…

Sunday 10th March — Peacock Cup (since 1906).

Sunday morning came, and the KRC cook Gordon Stephens was on the job satisfying the hungry bellies of those that would soon do battle against and a decent northerly headwind with some slight fishtailing providing some tricking points of left and right of movement, that it seemed to affect some less than others over the course of the day.

Up for grabs on this day was the Peacock Cup. Arthur Peacock joined the Katoomba Rifle Club on 17th January 1899, from Wentworth Falls Rifle Club. In 1906, he donated a silver cup (minted 1868) to the KRC for competition — the most well-known trophy in KRCs 131-year history. Peacock was a President, Patron and life member in 1912, a year before he died, a great benefactor.

A repeat of Saturday’s course of fire for Sunday took place, continuing with the KRC tradition.

The Peacock course of fire was a repeat of Saturday:

300 yards TR (2 and 10)
500 yards TR (2 and 10), F-Class (2 and 15)
600 yards TR (2 and 15), F-Class (2 and 15)

Sunday aggregate for the Peacock Cup placings were:

PEACOCK Target Rifle

Winner Damon Livermore – Sydney Rifle Club – 170.15
Runner Up Alan Patrick – Roseville Rifle Club – 170.14
3rd Place  Adrian Bonanni – Roseville Rifle Club – 167.10


Winner Chris Davis – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club – 175.15
Runner Up Ryan Urguhart – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club – 175.11
3rd Place  Bruce Rowlands – Lyndhurst Rifle Club – 173.09

The Peacock Cup medals presentation was made by Chris Roberts, again with his extensive knowledge of the KRC and this incredible trophy. Chris gave us some stories of the Peacock Cup, and expanded into talk about the Explorers Trophy that Chris wishes to track down (great for KRC).
For the Peacock Cup trophy presentation, Graeme Bright from Bathurst Rifle Club was asked to present the trophy to the top TR and F winner. Graeme kindly accepted, recognising his long affiliation to the Blue Mountains district for rifle shooting competition and his association with the Peacock Cup, and how he had contested in many times, and at the KRC range, and shared his recollection of breaking C grade as a youngster (a lot of ands, but…there is just so much history). Graeme provided some interesting anecdotes on the history of the Peacock Cup and the hard-fought competition with his Bathurst Rifle Club and other clubs, and the many individuals that was a hallmark of its long history.

Adrian Bonnani receiving 3rd Place in the Peacock Cup. 167.10
L Damian Livermore, R Chris Davis, Winners of the Peacock Cup.

Sat-Sun agg — KRC Open Championship — The KRC Phoenix Trophy.

KRC’s new Phoenix Trophy was for the grand aggregate of Saturday and Sunday, and presented to the top of both TR and F. David Xuereb of the NSWRA was present to make this presentation, which was only fitting given Davids continued interest and support of Leura range re-opening and his understanding of the greater sport of target shooting.

PHOENIX target Rifle
Winner Alan Patrick – Roseville Rifle Club – 339.24
Runner Up Robert Logue – Katoomba Rifle Club – 334.20
3rd Place David Xuereb – Explorers Rifle Club – 332.21

Winner Chris Davis – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club – 351.28
Runner Up Ryan Urguhart – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club – 349.21
3rd Place Rowan Urguhart – Tamworth Peel Valley Rifle Club – 343.15

L Alan Patrick, R Chris Davis, Winners of the Inaugural Phoenix Trophy.

At the close of the presentation, David Waters put the offer to the shooters to change the program for the KRC second 2024 OPM to be held in September. After some consultation with shooters and subsequent calls, the September OPM is set, for Saturday 7th Bronger Shield (since 1900) for a 300, 400, 500 and 600 course. Sunday 8th will be the Carrington Cup (since 2005) to be a double 500 followed by a double 600. Both matches open to TR and F, again…and, pending numbers, F may break up into multiple classes.

This shoot was a major success, for all in attendance and for the KRC. The KRC members stepped up and did well to put this event on in 10 weeks — helped by Danny Van DyWs excavator to fill and level the newly topped 500 and 600 mounds just 2 day before the shoot.

Another winner was the Blue Mountains region, to host an incredibly prestigious and historical cup event, in their backyard, with shooters from around NSW bringing support to local cafés, restaurants and services, doing a bit of sightseeing and leaving the place as they found it, safely.

One of the take-aways is how great the shooter attention to the competition was, while remaining a very light a vibrant atmosphere. Maybe it is the wonderful fresh Blue Mountains air, or perhaps it was because the shoot was run the way a shoot should be run…who knows…but we are grateful for all the wonderful feedback and correspondence we’ve received since the event. The KRC thank the encouragement we’ve received for the works done on the facility, the work to be done, and the pledges for the coming September OPM. All shooters will be made welcome.

Regards, Dave Waters.