Hornsby Range Closure (COVID-19)
Fellow Members,
As a result of new directives from Federal and NSW Governments, Hornsby range has been closed completely due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency. The governing body that manages Hornsby shooting complex (NSRTSCMA) has advised that all shooting activities for all Clubs (in all disciplines) shall cease from March 25, 2020 until further notice.
Roseville Rifle Club has subsequently ceased all shooting and any other activities until further notice.
Of course this crisis will pass, (hopefully in the not too distant future) and restrictions will be lifted, however until such time as we advise otherwise, members are asked to refrain from visiting the range. As further developments unfold, we will update you accordingly.
If any member has any queries, please feel free to touch base with myself or Phil Jacombs at any time.
I wish everyone all the very best during this difficult time, please stay well and keep safe…
Kind Regards,
Michael Cuda
Captain Roseville Rifle Club