WS Josephson Shield – 2023

The WS Josephson Shield (the Joso) is {almost} always held the Sunday after the GPS Schools competition so that the GPS Combined team (top 12 school shooters) can compete.

This year at the start of the competition, they handed out the medals from last year. Those winners were Metropolitan District (MDRA) in Target Rifle (TR) and the NSDRA F-class “Jacaranda” team. Now why would we tell you about last year’s medals in this year’s story? Well, I am glad you asked. Last year, due to inclemant weather, it was 3 details at 800m (2+10, 2+15, 2+15). In TR, 4 of the 5 MDRA people were shooting in Bisley and couldn’t shoot the Joso this year, opening up the possibilities a bit. And in F-class, Roseville’s Eva Patrick and Janet Beale took home their medals from last year.

Now what about this year? We were told a 60% chance of rain in the afternoon. Quick, get as many ranges done before the rain! So we did 2+10 at 300m, then 2+10 at 600m, then 2+10 at 700m before breaking for a half hour lunch. We finished the day with a 2+10 at 800m with the sun getting low but no rainclouds looking out towards buts.

Joso winners were Hunter Valley District Rifle Association in TR and North Shore District Rifle Association Green (Emerald) team in F-class.

Janet’s Joypod arm broke mid shoot

  • Fun fact #1 – in TR at 700m there were 29 possibles out of 47 TR competitors.
  • Fun fact #2 – every one of Roseville’s TR competitors (all 6 of them) scored possible’s at 700m. That would be Dmitri Kazakov (50-9), Phill Hodder (50-8), Nigel Russell (50-7), Adrian Bonani (50-4), Sam Atkinson (50-3) who counted out Angus Langsford (50-3).
  • Fun fact #3 – Dmitri’s 50-9 at 700m placed him 4th for that range….what’s a guy gotta do? Geez its tough at the top!
  • Fun fact #4 – in TR the top score at a detail was a 50-10 at 700m by Chris Schwebel (MDRA & new manager of Aus U25), last year it was 50-10 by Mitch Bailey (MDRA & new Aus U25 wind coach).
  • Fun fact #5 – in F-class, this year Alan Patrick was the only one of our 3 Roseville reps that was on the winning F-class team (so he will get a medal), but as his wife Eva also just got her medal for last year, the Patrick couple have evened things up. Next year might just have to be a tie-breaker for the Patrick’s. That is, if you exclude 2017…..
  • Fun fact #6 – Janet’s Joypod arm broke mid shoot at 800m, Eva (wind coach) had to unscrew the joypod arm, then go and get the arm from her Joypod and come back and screw in the replacement arm. Next counting shot was a “6” – phew disaster averted because rifle and shooter didn’t have to move. Thanks Eva for saving the day
  • Fun Fact #7 – because of Eva’s great wind coaching, Janet came 2nd in F-class as an individual shooter. But alas, 2nd gets diddly squat!
  • Fun Fact #8 – Alan Patrick was on the NSDRA Green (emerald) team but he partly coached the NSDRA Jacaranda (purple) team thus pulling off some impressive scores for both teams. Now that’s bi-partisan commitment!

Thanks to the many Roseville crew that helped support the event without shooting….we appreciate you!

Janet Beale

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