Captain message. 18 June 2020. 3rd month of COVID
Good Afternoon Rosevillians,
As there is a lot happening at present, I thought I’d send an update about various matters.
This Sat 20/6 – Hornsby Range Shooting Arrangements
NSDRA had a committee meeting on Tuesday evening, so amongst the matters discussed, it was decided that Covid-19 protocols needed to continue for the foreseeable future. As such the new range calendar for 2020/21 is still being worked on, so in the interim we will be shooting in two groups. One full bore club will shoot in the morning @ 300m along with the Schools and the other three full bore clubs will shoot in the afternoon at a longer range with duties broken up into morning and afternoon sessions.
The good news is, this week RRC will be shooting in the afternoon starting @ 1pm but we will not have any range duties – we will be shooting along with Nth Sydney and RSL @ 800m and located in lanes 6,7 & 8.
Next Sat 27/6 we will also be shooting in the afternoon, but @ 700m in lanes 6,7 & 8 but we will be responsible for RO and BO duties from 2.30pm till finish, as well as packing up at the end of the day. Of course Covid -19 social distancing protocols will need to be observed at all times, so please ensure that your chairs are spaced accordingly. We will also be introducing a few new minor protocols on the mound, but nothing too intrusive.
As soon as we have more information about the range calendar for 2020/21, we will let everyone know.
Breach Flags
It is understood that the use of breach flags is going to become a new mandatory requirement for all NSWRA members – we believe a new rule has been introduced that will require a breach flag to be inserted into a rifle’s breach when not in use, irrespective if the bolt is in or not. We are awaiting further details and will advise accordingly.
New Member – Adrian Bonanni
I am pleased to announce that we have a new member – Adrian Bonanni, previously with Hornsby RSL Rifle Club, has recently joined RRC and bings a wealth of experience having been an active full bore Target Rifle shooter at Hornsby range for over 30 years and being a distinguished A Grade shooter for most of that time. Adrian has held a number executive roles at both a district and club level, including Club Captain, Vice Captain, Statistician, Secretary and Treasurer, so please join with me in welcoming Adrian.
Arn Hammond, EM Nye & AJ Leighton 2019/20 Results
Final results for the 2019/20 Arn Hammond, EM Nye and AJ Leighton Championship have been tabulated and it gives me great pleasure to advise that once again Roseville distinguished
A complete wrap up including Arn Hammond H/C results, EM Nye and AJ Leighton series is contained in the attachment below – special thanks to Allan Humbert who complied this so efficiently in his capacity as NSDRA Statistician.
2020 AGM – Sat 27/6
Just a reminder that our 2020 Annual General Meeting is being held next Saturday June 27th, 2020 @ 10.30am at the RRC Clubhouse. Phil Jacombs sent out formal Notices sometime ago, so if you can make the meeting it would be good – as all office bearer roles will be declared open, please let either Phil J or myself know if you are interested in nominating for a role. As mentioned in my last update, I will not be standing this year, as I have to focus on my business as well as family issues.
Annual Awards Presentation Day
Ian Palmer has recently complied the results for the RRC 2019/20 Club Championship (thank you Ian), so we will be setting a time soon for our Annual Presentation Day. For those who have never been before it’s a great day where we present awards to all those members who have distinguished themselves at a club level in the shooting year just passed. As is customary, we will be having a big BBQ lunch, together with refreshments, so I’d encourage everyone to attend if possible. We’ll be sending a notification about this soon.
If anyone has any queries in respect to any of the above matters, please feel free to let me know, otherwise I look forward to seeing as many members as possible this Saturday….