Narromine-Dubbo Rifle Club – 2020 Gunpro Unmasked Invitational Prize Meeting

A great weekend was had by The Patriarch and chief lunch-maker: Uncle Mike, Phill Hodder, El Presidente: Mark Buchanan, Dmitri Kazakov (Komrad) and Sam.

We travelled in tightly packed vehicles – Uncle Mike and Phill in Linda’s car, and Mark, Sam and Dmitri in Mark’s car.

Leaving Sydney around 12-1230 on Friday, we hit a heavy storm just outside Lithgow.  A very nice pub meal was had on the Friday evening with a few light refreshments.  Weather over the 2 days was clear, but quite hot on the Sunday.  Everyone in bed by 10pm Friday ready for competition on Sat.

As well as the overall 8 ranges at NDRC, we held our own “RRC high-stakes handicap competition” with handicaps provided by Chief Statistician Ian Palmer before departure.  Competition consisted of Sat: 800yds, 900, yds, 2x 1000yds.  Sunday competition consisted of 2x300m, 400m, and 1000 yds.  Day1 RRC handicap – Mark won 3 out of 4 ranges and the day agg.  With Phill stealing 900yds.    Conditions at 1000 were tough, and not many good scores with strong cross winds reversing directions – it was easy to get caught.  Mark was the only one in RRC to have nothing worse than an inner at 1000 on day 1.

We all enjoyed Uncle Mike’s home-made Cornish pasties, but ensured that he ate his first and had no adverse reactions as they were made on Monday….:-)

Some managed to develop quite a thirst on the Saturday night due to the dry and relatively warm day on the range.  We went to the Narromine Bowlo Chinese on the Saturday night after a few quenchers back at the ritzy Narromine Stockman motel.  Food again was delicious, and the camaraderie of course was second to none.   After a few whites with dinner, some felt that red would serve as a nice nightcap back at the ranch….There were some dusty faces on Sunday morning….

Day 2 RRC handicap Phill won the first 300m with 50.6 off the stick.  Komrad got the second 300m.  Phill got the 400m, and Mark winning the 1000yds.  Phill also got the day 2 agg.  The only prize that Sam won in the RRC comp by some considerable margin was the highest number of cross shots.  In fact he would have won this across all disciplines across the entire field!  Unfortunately this had no monetary value, only the glory and reputation.  He was however not the only name on the cross-shot hall of fame, with both Phill and Komrad also making entries on that unenviable board.

Uncle Mike had made us all nice ham, cheese and tomato sangers for Sunday lunch which went down well.

RRC comp aside, RRC did bring back a number of overall prizes:

 Mark Buchanan  Sam Houston  Phill Hodder  Dmitri Kazakov
800yds  Day 1 – range winner
1000yds (1) Day 1 – range winner
Day 2 Agg (Clearly Saturday nights excess did not affect performance too much!)
Grand Agg Winner
1000 yds (2) Day 1 – range winner TR(B) Sam Houston – on his first range without a cross shot!! 300m (1) Day 2 range winner
3rd in Grand Agg
Dmitri scored a nice stash of wines for all his help with database clean-ups and corrections due to people not entering the right info.

4x Hexta targets were in use, and the NDRC folks were very happy with not just the excellent technology, but also having on hand support from the inventor was very well received.

The results of the competition are HERE

Dmitri also upgraded and tested the range server software for them.

Sam Houston

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