The NSDRA Champion of Champions 2022
The NSDRA Champion of Champions (CofC) Shoot for 2021-22 was held on 4 June 2022. That’s right – check the date, winter had arrived! Fortunately the really gusty cold days were earlier in the week, but it certainly was still much cooler for the CofC shoot than it had been last week. Less rain during the week meant the ranges had started to dry out a bit underfoot so contending with mud was not an issue – still a bit spongey though. The wind from earlier in the week was still hanging around a bit but not nearly as much as it had been on Wednesday.
Our RRC champions for the competition were:
- TR-A – Dmitri Kazakov
- Sporter Hunter – Rob Trodden
- F-Std A – Dmitri Kazakov
- F-TR – Janet Beale
- Junior TR – Paul Russell >> Acclaimed and going straight through without needing to shoot
The RRC champions were well supported by a host of RRC people who were helping to score, doing range officer duties, helping with set up and removal of scoreboards, helping in Butts etc. And there were some RRC people on hand to just help cheer on their team-mates. This was all very much appreciated by the competitors.
You would like to think this was Hornsby and so it would be a “routine” type of shoot. Nope. The day was non-routine. Here are some examples:
- Shooters could not park at 500m due to boggy conditions so had to walk their gear in; and while parking at 700m was technically allowed, many omitted the 700m parking for the same reason
- At 700m, one competitor started his shoot only to find the computer system had not been adjusted (it was still showing 500m) so he had to restart his shoot
- At 800m, the sun was shining straight into the scopes / sights so people could not see their targets at all. This caused 1 competitor to withdraw mid shoot and another to pull out of the competition altogether (note: all our RRC competitors toughed it out).
- There was even a protest lodged and so one competitor in SH was disqualified for having a rifle not fitting into the class’s standard.
So, other than Paul who was acclaimed, how did our RRC champions do? Despite the train-wreck at 800m, in the aggregate scores, our RRC competitors came home with two 1st places (Dmitri in TR and Janet in F-TR) and two second places (Rob in SH and Dmitri in F-STD). But if you look a bit more closely at the scores you will see some juicy details:
- Dmitri came 1st in two TR details and he scored two possible…he also came 2nd in one F-STD detail,
- Janet came 1st in three F-TR details but, due to a tied aggregate score, she only won her division by a single centre,
- Rob came 1st in three of his SH details and he scored two possibles. But, due to a tied aggregate score, he was only 3 centres from the winning score in his division.
800m was certainly the challenge. For the record, F-Open was also won by a single centre, so, 3 of the 5 divisions were won based on centre count alone – that’s close!
We are immensely delighted that 3 of our RRC Champions (Dmitri, Janet and Paul) will now go on to represent our district (NSDRA) at the state Champions shoot. Congrats and good luck!
Best wishes to the other non-RRC winners Adrian Hall (F-STD), David Pearsall (F-Open) and Wu Lau (SH) who are also representing the district in their respective divisions.
The results can be found HERE

District Champions: Janet Beale (F-TR), Dmitri Kazakov (TR-A), Wu Lau (SH), David Pearsall (F-Open), Adrian Hall (F-STD)
Janet Beale