What words come to mind to sum up the North Shore District Rifle Association’s (NSDRA) Open Prize Meeting (OPM) which was held on 21/22 May at Hornsby? It certainly wasn’t words like “sunscreen”, “glare”, or “dehydration”. But how to sum it up? The following words might give you a clue:
- Spongey ground
- Mud
- Gum Boots
- No parking at 500m
- Full sets of rain tents
- Intermittent rain
- Fog delays
- Thunder
- Attrition
- Chipping-in to help
- Leeches
- Covid-positive case(s?)
Despite the weather, the event was very well organised and Roseville members (including Adrian’s children) chipped-in ensuring the competition was managed, the targets were up, Butts was manned, computer systems were operational, range officer duties were covered, the competitors & their equipment were as dry as we could make it, the competitors fed, raffle tickets were sold, prizes appropriately awarded & people photographed. NSDRA (including our Roseville members) did a great job in holding the competition despite Mother Nature’s contribution.
There were 17 competitors in the Saturday morning ISSF challenge (8 in TR and 9 in F-Class) and there were 75 competitors in the Saturday/Sunday OPM (34 in TR and 41 in F-Class/SH), but due to varying reasons, 30 of the OPM competitors did not have “full cards” meaning only 60% were present for the full 2 days / 5 details.
ISSF Challenge:
We had 5 RRC competitors in the 300m ISSF challenge (Alan, Dmitri, Eva, Christian, Kees). Congrats to Alan for coming 2nd in Target Rifle. Dmitri was hot on his tail just 1 point behind but came 4th. Both Eva and Christian went “clean” scoring 300 out of 300, but didn’t get a prize. Well done all!
We had 11 RRC competitors in the OPM and, collectively, 22 times our RRC people came 1st/2nd/3rd in the 5 ranges with multiple Daily or Grand aggregate placings (due to class numbers they may not have all received prizes). Therefore, special mentions for the OPM as follows:
- The number of Possibles scored: Phill (4), Alan (3), Eva (2), Dmitri (2), Sam (1), Paul (1), Janet (1)
- Daily Aggregates: Phill (day 2 TRA: 2nd), Sam (day 1 TRB: 2nd), Paul (day 1 TRC: 2nd, day 2 TRC: 1st), Nigel (day 2 TRC: 2nd), Christian (day 1 FSB: 1st), Ross (day 1 FSB: 3rd), Janet (day 1 FTR: 2nd), Eva (day 2 FTR: 3rd),
- Grand Aggregates: Paul (TRC: 1st), Nigel (TRC: 2nd), Ross (FSB: 2nd), Christian (FSB: 3rd), Eva (FTR: 3rd)
- Special mention to Phill Hodder for not dropping a point over the 4 details he competed in!
With the two day competition completed, we can all say a big thanks to the RRC people and others in NSDRA for the work put in to hold this event – many of these people did not shoot so the rest of us could. We also want to thank the generous sponsors. So now we are left to wonder what next year will bring? Locusts?….
Janet Beale